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Questions and Answers

How do I sample?

You are welcome to pickup a sterile bottle/s here anytime, address is on the RHS map. Otherwise refer below:-

A sterilised glass jar, including inside of lid or cling wrap insert, alternatively, a newly purchased (sealed) drinking water bottle of minimum 250 mLs volume is required.  The latter would be a brand new, off the supermarket shelf, 'Mt Franklins' or similar volume (300mLs) drinking water bottle, since we know that those bottles are food-grade sterile when new.  Alternatively a glass jar can be rinsed out in near boiling water (any water since boiled), at a temperature >70 degrees C.  Allow to cool before rinsing again with the water to be sampled then fill leaving a small air space under the lid.

When can I drop off my water sample for testing?

Anytime Mon-Sat to 549 Lake MacDonald Dv. Lake MacDonald. Map on the RHS of webpage.

There is a labelled sample drop-off box at the front gate if you can't see anyone around, or you may be in a hurry.  Make sure you have some details with the sample; email address, property address for invoice (otherwise cash), name and type of sample (rain tank, bore, etc.).

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